There are two free parking spaces in the store's courtyard for short-term shopping, 30 minutes. There are parking garages and paid street parking nearby.
In the store you can explore painted color models, furniture, and see wall paint shades painted.
Pappila's Sunday Shop is located in Tampere on the atmospheric and bohemian cultural street at Ojakatu 1.
We value products manufactured and packaged without plastic, products that are safe and long-lasting, even for professional use by craftsmen.
Come and hear about the techniques and versatile uses of the products!
This course is suitable for both beginners and those who paint a lot.
The course does not involve painting, but rather covers various painting techniques and the products needed for them, as well as the versatile use of the products, with examples: craquelure, wear, waxing, transfers, stamps, decoupage, Saltwash, molds, epoxy.
The course is also suitable for craftsmen who want more information about the versatile use of products in their own production.
In this course, you will gain insight into how you can use different products and techniques in your own project as widely and diversely as possible.
You will get to hear good tips and tricks and see both the products and shades on site.
Check out the pricing and bring your friends along to the course.
You can book a product demonstration, technical training or a one-to-one appointment tailored just for you at the Tampere warehouse store for a small hobby group or similar.
Contact us by email: or stop by to ask more.
You can book an appointment for a paid 30-minute color consultation.
The reserved time is paid in advance: 85 eur/ 30min.
Tuesdays 2:00 PM
Wednesdays 18:00
Saturdays 15:00
Inquiries and reservations by email:
You can find from us, among others:
Stop by the store and you will get good advice on how to do it and see examples and models of painted surfaces, different techniques and implementations.
The product series have been developed for furniture and interior art painting, but other craftsmen, such as confectioners, textile artists, painters, carpenters, etc. have also discovered the series.
At Pappila's Sunday Shop, you will be guided and advised on how to use the products and implement various techniques.
The store organizes various demonstration evenings for private consumers, instructors for courses and educational institutions, students, and business groups.
Listen to the Radio SUN interview here.
Read the Aamulehti article here , behind a paywall.
Read the Tampere article here.
Read the article from Pirkanmaa Yrittäjät magazine here.
Read Pispalalainen's story here.
Welcome to visit the most beautiful street in Tampere - Ojakatu!
The Priest's Sunday Shop
Note! New address from 19.2.:
University Street 50
Ojakatu 1, 33100 Tampere
Wed-Thu: 11-18
Fri: 11-17
Sat: 11-15