DIY gingerbread border for a new look for the children's room - instructions by Elluyellow
The fall holidays were especially anticipated in our family this year.
We had already agreed on this inspiring and colorful painting collaboration with the warm-hearted Minna of Frenchic Paint well in advance. After that, not a day went by that my girls and I didn't look at color charts, compare and consider the perfect shades, and think about the nicest-looking patterns.
When I asked you on my Instagram account earlier this week, many of you were in the “born with a paintbrush in hand” series, which is great. Unfortunately, I don’t belong to this series… If you don’t count the balcony railings painted as a maintenance measure, the last time I painted something bigger was while I was waiting for the hole – and he’s already in first grade 😀

When we moved into our current home in the spring of 2017, we had a quick renovation done by outsiders. The most important items in this renovation were our girls' future rooms, where the accent wallpaper was far from our taste (urban wallpaper...). We only painted the walls with painter's white and thought that our daughters, who were then 2 and 4 years old, would be able to choose the color of their own room a little later .
Well, it took almost five years! But now the joy was manifold – and the color choices were considered in great detail.
Frenchic Paint's lime paints in a nutshell
- Founded in the UK in 2014, now the fastest growing chalk paint brand with hundreds of retailers internationally.
- Received the prestigious British recognition award , the “Queen's Award” in 2020. The mark is awarded to a select few innovative and high-quality brands.
- It was born from a passion for restoring old furniture and the goal of promoting recycling and the DIY spirit.
- High-quality lime and mineral paints are available in over 70 different shades ! (And you other color lovers: enjoy these color charts! <3)
- The paints are only sold in small businesses , such as brick-and-mortar stores, not in chains or supermarkets. The products are also sold in Frenchic's own online store .
- Paints are particularly known for their easy and pleasant paintability and excellent covering power. (We sign this!)
- The paints contain no added VOCs, toxins or solvents .
- As a special bonus, after rigorous testing, the paints have also been found to be safe for small children's furniture and toys .
Painting beautiful gingerbread edges is easy with Frenchic products
We fell in love with the gingerbread borders we saw on social media and decided to get a sneak peek at Christmas during the fall break: with gingerbread that will still be beautiful in the heat of next summer.
We made slightly different gingerbread borders for both girls' rooms using Frenchic Chalk Wall Paint.
From the wide range of colors, the firstborn chose Bon Bon pink for her room, and the secondborn chose Sweetcheeks pink .

In addition to the two gingerbread borders, I used a slightly freer hand to paint the top corner of the sunken roof with Hot As Mustard yellow from the waxy lime paint range. Yup, that's how much yellow even came with 😊

The paints and all the supplies needed for the painting were delivered really quickly: products ordered late on Wednesday evening were already available for pick-up at noon on Friday! This fast service is something that Frenchic values.
We had planned to paint all day, but this project only took our family of four about six hours, including drying time.
This was a really nice way to spend a fall holiday day together and enjoy the handprints!

"I'm so excited that I'm going to drool!"
The end results exceeded all our expectations! “Wow!” was heard from one mouth many times during the day.
The color choices were perfect for our daughters and their rooms became even more like them with this change.

"This is much more wonderful than I thought! I always feel like going to admire my new very own wall!"

Do it yourself: 12 steps to a refreshing gingerbread border

- Choose the wall you want and decide what kind of gingerbread border you want for it (from bottom to top or vice versa - maybe a pennant-like border, like ours?)
- Wash the wall, rinse and dry thoroughly. We used Frenchic's Sugar Soap , which cleaned the dirt effectively.
- Protect adjacent walls and floor.
- Draw a straight line at the desired height, from which the gingerbread pattern will emerge, either upwards or downwards.
- Choose a round mold of the appropriate size (when painting along the ceiling border, cut a half-circle mold out of cardboard).
- Draw the gingerbread border using the template. Note! Start drawing from the “parade edge”, i.e. the edge that is more visible or more decorative (the shape will probably be left unfinished and the unfinished pattern will end up on the less important side of the wall).
- Paint the edge of the gingerbread border with a very small brush. For example, a children's watercolor brush works well.
- Paint the insides with a slightly larger brush. We used an XS size brush for this.
- If you are painting a larger wall area, like we did in our first room, it is worth painting it with an XL brush or roller, so the paint finish will be more even.
- Let the first coat dry for 2 hours.
- Apply a second coat. Let it dry for 2 hours as well.
- Remove the protective paper and tape – enjoy the impression of your hands!
Do you already have experience with these paints? What new fun painting project do you have planned next?

Wishing you joy and light,
Author: Blogger Elluyellow,
IG, FB and TikTok: @elluyellow